


First, let's define a few important concepts:

  • French Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI)

Cybersecurity calls on information systems security techniques and is based on the fight against cybercrime and the implementation of cyberdefense.

  • Centre pour la cybersécurité en Belgique (CCB)

Cybersecurity is the result of a set of security measures designed to minimize the risk of disrupted and unauthorized access to information and communication systems.

In short, cybersecurity helps protect companies and users from cyberattacks and cybercriminals.


La cybercriminalité regroupe toutes les infractions pénales susceptibles de se commettre on or through a computer system generally connected to a network.

Cybercrime can be broken down into 3 types of offence:

  • Offences specific to information and communication technologies :

    • Bank card offences

    • Data interception

  • Offences related to information and communication technologies :

    • Child pornography

    • Incitement to terrorism and racial hatred on the Internet

    • Damage to persons or property

  • Offences facilitated by information and communication technologies :

    • Online scams

    • Counterfeiting

    • Intellectual property infringement

By definition, a cybercriminal is a person who commits, with or without intent, one (or more) of the offences listed above without the explicit authorization of the third party concerned, regardless of the intent or objective pursued.

The end goal of a cybercriminal could be very diverse:

  • Earning money

  • Terrorizing the population

  • Attacking a state for political, military or espionage purposes

  • To show off your skills or for a challenge


A cyber attack targets Information Systems (IS) or companies dependent on technology and networks in order to steal, modify or destroy a sensitive system.

We have already been directly or indirectly confronted with cyber attacks:

  • An e-mail from someone we know but with whom we haven't had contact for a long time. In this e-mail she asks us to help her financially as she is ill and has no money.

  • The e-mail that tells us we've entered a competition and won the latest smartphone or some cash.

  • A text message asking us to log in to collect our parcel from the post office.

  • A call from a foreign number.

Now you know what cybersecurity and cybercriminals are. My ultimate goal is to provide you with answers to your questions and tools to develop this field in the French-speaking world. A lot of literature exists in English for theory and practice, and I'd like to make it more easily accessible to French-speaking readers.

Last updated